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AntiCrack Software Protector is a dll exe protection and dll exe compression tool. AntiCrack Software Protector is the system of sof
 » Home » Development » Editors & IDEs » AntiCrack Software Protector Basic 1.09
Company: AntiCrack Inc
License: Shareware
Version: 1.09
System: Win 95/98/ME/NT/2000/XP
Size: 1429KB
Date Released: July 30, 2003
Price: $149
Screenshot: Click here to see Screenshot
Downloads: 1356
Homepage: http
Date added: Sep 22, 2005
Click here to Download
AntiCrack Software Protector is a dll exe protection and dll exe compression tool.

AntiCrack Software Protector is the system of software protection of applications,designed for quick implementation of application protection functions, especially targeted for software developers.

AntiCrack Software Protector is not only a dll exe protector,but also a dll exe compressor.You can use it to compress and protect your exe dll files step by step.

AntiCrack Software Protector uses public keys encryption algorithms (RSA) to create and verify the registration keys and unlock some RSA key locked code,it has embedded cryptor against dump and unpacker.

AntiCrack Software Protector also has many anti debug tricks.with specialized API system, mutual communication between loader and application is also can be achieved!

AntiCrack Software Protector is designed for such specific tasks as working with registration keys and creation of evaluation and trial application versions.

AntiCrack Software Protector Key Words
anticrack,antidebug,antidump,antitrace,software protect,software protection,software protector,exe protect,exe protection,exe protector,dll protect,dll protection,dll protector,software compress,software compression,software compressor,exe compression,exe compressor,dll compression,dll compressor

AntiCrack Software Protector Features
RSA 1024 - With RSA keys system,cracker can not write a KeyGen(or KeyMaker) of your production without the RSA private key(the RSA private key only in the author`s hand).And your can specify some code to be locked by the RSA keys,so is the cracker have not the proper key.dat on the proper machine,the code protected can not decrypt.

Polymorph - Polymorph decryption routines and several encrypted layers.The code being protected varied every time your protect your application.
Embedded cryptor - You can specify the place in your application to embed the inner cryptor.With the embedded cryptor,your application can not be cracked even


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